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No Enemy Organics :: Santa Cruz, California
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Yoga ~ To Unite!

In Vedic Sanskrit, the literal meaning of the Sanskrit word yoga is "to unite".

Yoga in western culture is often thought of as physical poses which are traditionally called asanas. Asanas are one aspect of a Yogis practice. Studying the philosophies of yoga, practicing pranayama (the control of breath) and practicing meditation (the intense contemplation of the nature of the object of focus) are also of great importance for uniting the mind, body, and spirit. Still each person is on their own right path to discovering unification and positivity. When enemies do arise, your yoga practice is certain to be helpful in ending the illusion of separation. No Enemy manifests when we try to know the enemy.

In July of 2013 the No Enemy organization expanded to provide meditation teachings and personal growth support. Relaxation, reflection and the manifestation of No Enemy are the foundation of this service. No prior experience or skills are needed. Click here for more details about No Enemy services:

"Life is Yoga" - Sensei Jeremy